Seasonal Living in a Big City

Yesterday, I cleaned our picture window and washed the front door. It was warmer outside than in for the first time in a while and my son babbled happily in his stroller while I was elbow deep in a bucket of water.

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PS: find my spring cleaning essentials here!

Here in the city we don’t see so many signs of spring’s coming arrival and even fewer in such a southern town as Houston, so I tend to make my own.

Without realizing, I tend to start craving a few things this time of year, like a new dress and color outside my window. In fact, every year for the past four years, I’ve sought out new or new-to-me items for my wardrobe and within the last couple of years found myself scrubbing the grime left from winter rain off our picture window that I may see more clearly the plants outside.

Tap the photo for my favorite new dress 🌸

These harbingers, petite signs of spring, are natural ways our own bodies and minds tune into our need for change with the seasons and a natural way to organize our lives. I’ll begin to assess other areas that need cleaning and plan our daily schedule around bringing the baby outdoors more often. I’ll keep an ear out for bird song and look for daffodils at the store.

What is your favorite harbinger of spring?

4 thoughts on “Seasonal Living in a Big City

  1. my harbinger is sunshine and warmer weather! The brighter days lift my mood and I look forward to watermelon and beach days ahead 😎


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